Sunday, September 14, 2008


Die hard skepticism is one aspect of me that i just cant let go of no matter how hard i try. It comes as a natural instinct(read survival instinct) to me....just like a hard-on!(Excuse me for not being able to find a better simile.) And then, I wonder how harmful or Useful it is for oneself? And if all of us can do it in moderation, just to the right degree at the right moment,wouldn't life become manifest?(Well..I think I can...hmmm...Pretty arrogant ..Yes!) Is being opinionated and judgmental too bad for you? Does it prevent you from taking things at face value,going with the flow and living in the moment?! Is it applying Laws of Friction to your natural thought process?!
I think YES is the answer to most of the these questions.

One of my dear friend told me today that I really think way too much on trivial things and hence complicate my life unnecessarily. Well...thats true. But the sense of satisfaction and pleasure derived from it at the end of the day is worth the pains perhaps! How hedonistically masochistic people can be.

Believe nothing,no matter if I have said it,
unless it agrees with your own reason and common sense.

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